Photo by Luis Cortes Martinez on Unsplash
This morning, as I was doing my daily devotional reading, I came across a verse I have read several times, but today it touched me in a whole new way. It is this:
“…behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass…”.
I have been thinking about all the “great” things I want to accomplish in my life, that many times seem overwhelming or impossible. It’s good to look at the big picture of life. But, sometimes –too often–I let that daunting view stop me in my tracks.
I’m grateful for the reminder that if I just focus on doing the small, seemingly insignificant things every day, they will all add up to accomplishing amazing things, as long as I keep on, keeping on.
This can relate to any area of our lives, even how we feel about ourselves. The daily ways we think about and treat ourselves add up over time.
Thought by thought, action by action, we are building a monument of self. How is yours shaping up? Does it look more like a pile of rocks, tossed haphazardly around, or are you carefully building a beautiful sculpture you can enjoy and share with the world?
Don’t worry if you realize you’re creating a rock pile right now.
The great news is–you can change that.
Start today!
Pick just one small, simple thought or action you can take to foster self-love and begin polishing the rough edges off those rocks.
Don’t know what to do or how to start?
Here are some VERY small, simple suggestions:
…smile at yourself in the mirror, instead of focusing in on your “flaws”…notice and be grateful for something your body allows you to do today
…give yourself grace when you make a mistake
…take time to rest and to playHave other great ideas? Please share. I’d love to hear them!